FMCFabricating Machinery CorpMachinery Consultants, Inc.

Detail Autoform

Maxform Autoform Proform

Overview - Specifications - Details

The CINCINNATI AUTOFORM+ CNC Press Brake combines precision forming capabilities with leading edge control technology. The AUTOFORM+ is highly versatile. It can handle sheet metal or plate, and can form complex or simple parts with ultimate precision. It is capable of accepting both American and European style press brake tooling.

An accurate press brake requires a precision leveling system. The AUTOFORM + meets this requirement by having a .00002" resolution glass scale encoder mounted on each side housing. Ram repeatability is verified prior to shipment at maximum forming speed to be within ± 0.0004" (3 Sigma) along the entire length of the press brake.

Models available from 60 through 350 tons. Larger tonnages available upon request. A variety of options, backgages and press brake tooling are available to meet your forming and safety needs.

Click here for information about CINCINNATI's Dynamic Thickness Compensation and Adaptive Forming